With a state-of-the-art facility and a team of experts, anything is possible.

Our Lab

  • There are two factors to increase your chances of having a healthy baby: having a world-class fertility expert and team to support you throughout your journey, and a state-of-the-art lab facility.

  • Our lab—where embryos, eggs, and sperm are handled and testing is conducted—is at the forefront of fertility treatment. We take pride in our advanced technology, equipment, and safe environment to achieve high success rates.

  • Our Lab.

    From advanced reproductive surgery to in vitro fertilization, The Fertility Institutes offers a caring, comprehensive approach to infertility.

  • Our Center.

    Our mission is to provide you with the most modern infertility medical care in the U.S. within a warm and caring environment.


Egg Quality

The quality and quantity of a woman’s egg is instrumental in her ability to conceive and overall fertility. From IVF, to IUI, and egg freezing, our lab is instrumental in ensuring the safety and quality of your eggs is achieved.


Sperm Quality

There is no pregnancy without sperm, which is why understanding the male’s sperm health is equally as vital to fertility as a woman’s quality of eggs. Our laboratory tests assess semen quality: sperm quantity, concentration, morphology (form), and motility.


Embryo Quality

Fertilization is the union of male and female reproductive cells (sperm and egg) to produce a fertilized egg (zygote). Once this occurs, the fertilized eggs are considered embryos. The embryo(s) are then cultured to grow and divide in our state-of-the-art laboratory to ensure the highest quality embryos are achieved.


Genetic Testing

Intended parents can prevent a pregnancy affected by a genetic condition or chromosomal disorder. Our lab’s advanced testing can identify specific embryos that are free of abnormalities before they are transferred into a woman’s uterus (womb) by in vitro fertilization (IVF).


 See Our Lab


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