Sex Selection

Sex selection is a process where several eggs are extracted from the mother by our doctors, and sperm is supplied by the father. The father's sperm is used to fertilize the mother's eggs and our doctor-scientist specialists examine the genetic makeup of the embryos, screening for genetic diseases and optionally, desired gender and eye color.


Sex selection is for:

  • Couples who want to be certain of their next child's gender

  • Couples who are interested in PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

The process,
explained simply.

  • Several eggs are extracted from the mother by our doctors, sperm is supplied by the father.

  • The father's sperm is used to fertilize the mother's eggs in our lab.

  • After 5 days, several advanced embryos will have developed.

    Our doctor-scientist specialists examine the genetic makeup of the embryos, screening for genetic diseases and optionally, desired gender and eye color.

  • Your tested embryos are either: cryopreserved (frozen) while we await full genetic reports on each of the tested embryos OR continued in culture for one additional day with our "same day results" option*

  • If same day results are chosen (Los Angeles full genetics only, and not available with eye color add-on), 6 days after your eggs are harvested, you return to receive your screened, tested and chosen embryo(s).

    Depending upon your selection of additional genetic tests (*eye color or specific known genetic disease you carry) two to eight weeks later, full genetic reports on the embryos are received and arrangements are made for your return for 1-2 days to receive your screened, chosen embryo(s).

  • Gestation and birth take place as normal.

We’re ready whenever you are.

Book your consultation